The life and times of Daniel, currently undertaking a journey of gastronomic proportions in The Middle Kingdom....(with the odd drunken rant and rave)

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Counting down

I've been living in Japan since November 2004. Having spent 4 months in Tokyo, I moved to Osaka. It is now time for another change. In about 2 weeks I fly to Guangzhou (Canton), in southern China, which will be the starting point of a month long tour of the Middle Kingdom. My ulterior motive is to sign an English teaching contract with a reputable company and begin the next phase of my crazy adventure. Places I'll be visiting during August include: Guangzhou, Dongguan, Hong Kong (with my buddy from Tokyo, Keith), Guilin, Shanghai, Yantai, Hangzhou, Suzhou. Having never been to China, I am somewhat scared yet very excited. I don't know what to expect as I've heard both very good things and read some quite bad things from people working there. As long as I can drink some good cheap beer and eat great food I'll be happy!

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At 11:09 PM, Blogger Tai Pan said...



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